Community organizing and strengthening

  • Facilitates community organizing workshops, discussions and programmatic support to local NGO’s and PO’s for asset reform and rural development work
  • Promotes CO dialogue and debates on evolving strategies for empowerment, participatory governance, gender mainstreaming, peace building, agro-ecological system and climate justice.
  • Provide technical support services and programs for area-based managers and implementers of SIAD


Sustainable agriculture and enterprise

  • Promotes sustainable livelihoods and women- led community-based social enterprises and engagingmarkets.
  • Promotes organic agriculture and food security programs
  • Implement a SIAD approach with local NGOs and community- based organizations, including resource mobilization


Politics & governance

  • Promotes policy advocacy in participatory and deliberative governance through capacity building and pilot-basedmodules
  • Conducts paralegal training, electoral and political reform programs including those in the Bangsamororegion
  • Facilitate peace and security framework development with LGUs and local based organization 

Networking, linkage and advocacy

  • Act as the regional convenor of the Barangay-Bayan Governance Consortium (aka BATMANconsortium)
  • Act as secretariat and support group to the Mindanao Peace Solidarity
  • Provide networking and linkage for Mindanao NGOs with LGUs, national line agencies, and Congress for policy formulation and advocacy


Climate Change Adaptation – DRR

  • Facilitate Participatory Disaster Risk Assessment and Community- managed Disaster Risk Reduction Planning
  • Assist in community mapping and profiling for CCA- DRR
  • Promoteindigenous modes of CCA and mitigation strategies withPOs,LGUsand localpartners


Research & Publication

  • Conduct participatory policy research/studies, organize forums and workshops on development, peace and equity issues in Mindanao
  • Publish articles, news features, and policy papers on SIAD experiences in Mindanao
  • Develops policy briefs on asset, empowered governance, peace, sustainable agriculture and social enterprise